Member-only story
Being The Mother Doesn’t Require Having Children
a kind of a haibun for Mother’s Day
Swollen with nectar
blooms await pollination
bees buzzing in flight
We think of witches when we think of a cauldron, using it as a vessel to create something. The cauldron represents the womb in most Pagan religions, therefore, it can represent the Mother aspect of the goddess. Not all who have a womb can or choose to bear children, but that doesn’t mean they don’t tend to or create life.
Throughout history, women have been caring for the children of others for one reason or another. Some of these women are also mothers, but often, they are not. This does not lessen their abilities as a woman, mother, or human being. I posit it makes them more. To give care and love to another being you did not carry in your own womb is true unconditional love.
The Mother aspect of the goddess is within all women. She teaches us the cycle of life comes from unexpected places, must be nurtured where it happens, and grows where it will. If we’re allowed to be part of that, we’re truly blessed.
warm current flowing
soft breezes bend the flowers
bowing to the sun
Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there, however you identify.