Don’t you “run this risk” by existing in the world daily then? I mean, if it were that easy, just getting to know people at work, school, church, etc would cause this to happen, right? I’m not being cheeky, I’m legitimately asking. You don’t need to be having sex with someone to become intimate. Nor do you have to be having sex with them to fall in love.
Here’s the thing monogamous people struggle with.
When you’re polyamorous or open, you may still struggle at times with feelings of jealousy because it’s human. But at the end of the day, when you’ve communicated effectively, you understand that no one owns anyone else. Even in monogamy, you were always free to walk away for any reason. Just as you were always free to stay. So adding more people didn’t change any of that. It just added more love to the mix.
As for why women lose respect for men about being afraid of losing them to another man? I’m not 100 percent clear on that. Are you asking about losing a man to another man as in them being gay or bisexual?
I wouldn’t know the answer to that.
As for liking someone more than their partner. 🤷♀️ that’s an individual thing and really kind of a monogamy thing too. I just don’t really think of things like that. I love my partners. Period. My husband comes first for me period but that’s just how *I* feel. Not all poly people operate that way.
Hope this helps.