I can only sit here and think to myself that whomever clapped before me had to go take care of themselves as to why they didn't leave a note haha How rude!! This story is one of the hottest I've ever read, lady.
This is the only regret I have when it comes to my ONE successful DP situation, that there wasn't another guy there that I wanted to be the third to complete the airtight <3 Okay well there was someone there I would have been okay with doing it, but since he pissed me off earlier in the evening, it didn't happen haha (It was my husband at the time) We were at a swinger's house party and he was being ridiculous about "not wanting swords to cross" which is why he wasn't part of the DP, I ended up doing it with two awesome guy friends instead, so he played photographer. It was a fantastic experience, once I got the guys right. I know eventually I'll get to the airtight, I have 3 perfect guys for it, just have to get them all in the same place at the same time. haha scheduling is a bitch! Thank you for sharing, love