InSensual: An Erotic LifebyDemeter V DeluneDoes Size Really Matter? (Yes, But Not How You Think)When it comes to long-term, average is my preference.Jul 3, 20239Jul 3, 20239
InSensual: An Erotic LifebyDemeter V DeluneCan You Be Honest and Vulnerable With Your Partner About Your Sexual Fantasies?If so, are you both willing to consider indulging the ones you really want to try?Jul 4, 20234Jul 4, 20234
InSensual: An Erotic LifebyDemeter V DeluneWhy Communication is Even More Important in Non-Monogamous RelationshipsIt’s okay to not be monogamous — everyone just needs to be on the same page.Jul 11, 20234Jul 11, 20234
InSensual: An Erotic LifebyDemeter V DeluneDoes Communication Really Get Your Sexual Needs Met By Your Partner?It can, but they aren’t the only person involved.Jul 19, 20235Jul 19, 20235
InSensual: An Erotic LifebyDemeter V DeluneThe Top 7 Desires of Women During Sex According to ResearchThese are the things she really wishes you were doing in bed.Jul 27, 20236Jul 27, 20236
InSensual: An Erotic LifebyDemeter V DeluneIt’s Difficult to Learn to Be Open About Our Kinks But It’s PossibleEveryone has something we’re afraid to disclose, here’s how to bring it up with a partner.Aug 15, 20235Aug 15, 20235
InSensual: An Erotic LifebyDemeter V DeluneHere’s How Compersion Can Be Easier to Achieve Than You May ThinkWe might be making the opposite of jealousy a lot harder than it needs to be.Aug 27, 20236Aug 27, 20236
InSensual: An Erotic LifebyDemeter V DeluneHow Mutual Masturbation Can Spice Up Your Sex Life Right NowMasturbating with your partner is a great way to level up what’s typically a solo practice.May 2, 20232May 2, 20232
InSensual: An Erotic LifebyDemeter V DeluneHow to Maintain Intimacy In A Long Distance RelationshipThere are different types of long distance relationships but these tips can help across the board.Apr 23, 20234Apr 23, 20234
InSensual: An Erotic LifebyDemeter V DeluneHow Scheduling Adult Fun Can Be Incredibly SexyThere’s nothing wrong with penciling in your partner for some afternoon delight.Mar 20, 20233Mar 20, 20233
InSensual: An Erotic LifebyDemeter V DeluneHow to Share a Tantric Massage With Your PartnerIt doesn’t take special tools, you just need one another to get started.Mar 16, 20232Mar 16, 20232
InSensual: An Erotic LifebyDemeter V DeluneHow to Have Tantric Sex With a Partner if You’re Just Getting StartedStart solo for the best experience.Mar 13, 20237Mar 13, 20237
InSensual: An Erotic LifebyDemeter V DeluneThe Beginner’s Ultimate Guide to Powerful Tantric Sex in a NutshellHollywood and gurus aren’t the only ones who should benefit from this ancient practice.Mar 11, 20235Mar 11, 20235
InSomewhat SinfulbyDemeter V DelunePorn Leaves Out A Lot Of The Good Stuff But That Doesn’t Make It BadLuckily, there are studios and companies out there working on changing the industry.Feb 15, 20234Feb 15, 20234
InSensual: An Erotic LifebyDemeter V DelunePro Tips From a Former Massage Therapist on How to Give the Best Erotic MassageMake your lover feel attended to and make any date night special.Feb 13, 20234Feb 13, 20234