We discussed this in earlier articles, upon the advice of his attorney we will not disclose his charges. There are a number of reasons for this, including keeping him safe from and retaliation for writing about what goes on behind bars. By using pseudonyms (both of us) and not disclosing his charges, we can say where he is and talk more openly about the things that go on without people being able to suss out who he really is so he doesn’t end up suffering repercussions.
And yes you are right. There are a lot of people in prison who say they are innocent who are not. What we ask people to keep in mind is, Damian’s innocence or guilt (should people chose to think he is) has no bearing on the stories he tells. The prison systems are corrupt regardless. The things that happen within them still happen. And the people who live there are still human deserving of better.
Thanks for reading.
Demeter and Damian.