Yes, they have. They are highly intelligent men. Three of which have either in the past or still currently work for the government. Their comments were intentional gaslighting. They were well aware of what they were saying, they knew things would and could change. Two of them are staunch Republicans and actively work to make changes such as the ones they were swearing up and down would not happen. The other is an Independent.
They are all former military, spec ops
So they are FULLY aware of how bad shit can get and fast. They are also the first ones to try to tell women, oh you think it's bad here, at least we don't live under Sharia law.
They are the kind of men who have studied history in order to use it to try to show you how bad we as women really "don't" have it.
They are the men in the comment sections here who argue with women like Elle, who no matter what she throws at them, proof after proof that they are wrong, they will never admit it because she is a woman.
They are the men who, even though they are intelligent, they lack emotional intelligence, they lack self awareness, and they lack the ability to feel anything when it comes to what anyone who isn't middle class , white, and cis-hetero could be going through.